Our Work
Sending love to your loved ones who are incarcerated has never been easier!
Our high-quality, jumbo 6x9 postcards and letters are like receiving a visual hug from you. These postcards and letters are certain to bring a smile to your loved one's face. These beautiful messages make it easy to keep them encouraged. Stay connected with Sulie Seeds.
Some facilities are no longer accepting postcards; those facilities will receive postcards formatted as letters.
Is the sun on this beach setting or is it rising? The answer lays in your perspective. Choose to believe you are a collection of your biggest mistakes and the sun will undoubtedly be setting. Choose to believe there will one day be a tomorrow that shines brighter than your today and brighter than your yesterday and the sun will be on the way up. Make a choice and never give up!
Mr. Davis Jackson
Red Onion State Prison
10800 H. Jack Rose Highway
PO Box 970, Pound, VA, 24279
Sometimes it may seem like hope is all you have left to cling on to. When that happens, hold on tight with everything you have and do not let it out of your sight even for a moment. You will get through this because you must. Don’t ever believe you can’t.
Mr. Davis Jackson
Red Onion State Prison
10800 H. Jack Rose Highway
PO Box 970, Pound, VA, 24279